PABX and Telephone Call Billing, Recording, Accounting Software and Management System In Kenya

PABX And Telephone Voice Recording Solutions In Kenya

PABX &Telephone Call Billing,Recording, Accounting Software & Management System In Kenya

Engsoft Valley Solutions is a leading supplier  and installer of custom made business phone systems to small and medium enterprises in Kenya and throughout East Africa. We provide PABX and Telephone Call Billing,  Call Recording, Call Accounting, and Call Software and Management System for our clients. Other office phone system solutions include:

  • Telephone budget software
  • Telephone Voice recording in Kenya
  • PBX Voice logging call Centers in Kenya

Our powerful inbound and outbound call center solutions are compatible with ALL Telecommunications Platforms/PABXs including the latest IP SYSTEMS like Avaya Office telephone system, Cisco Telephone system, Panasonic Telephone System(Panasonic PBX systems Kenya, Panasonic systems Kenya, Panasonic PBX Kenya Nairobi), Yeastar IP Pbx phone system, NEC Telephone System, Dlink IP Pbx telephone system, Samsung telephone system, Grandstream Telephone system and Conference solutions

Complete Call Analysis And PABX Call Management System

We have one of the most intuitive call billing system that is designed to help you monitor office telephone costs while ensuring that you have complete control over your office telephone usage. Our PABX Call management software provides a detailed analysis of all your calls as well as telephone bills.

The system’s Database is built in Microsoft Access or MySQL. Set up options include  Web based  Stand alone and LAN/WAN setups. Connection come with TCPIP or Serial interfaces.

Why our call billing software?

  •  Highly scale-able, making it ideal for small to corporate organizations
  •   Fully Automated Budgetary systems – making it possible for businesses to control their phone budget
  •  WAN Enterprise Solution for a company with branch network
  •   Perfect for call centers

PABX Call Billing and Budgeting Software

Our PABX call logging software provides accurate analysis of every telephone related event from your EPABX/KTS

Once installed on the computer, this call management tool tracks every single event happening at each and every extension from your EPABX/KTS. These recorded events are processed and presented in the form of MIS reports. The figures and numbers shown in these MIS reports help in controlling communication cost while reducing misuse in your enterprise.

PABX Call accounting software, Billing and Budgetor in Kenya

This module provides several user-friendly menus through which the user can access reports analyzing the captured data to provide:

  • Detailed reports for pin numbers, extensions, departments and trunks for a selected period showing number dialed , duration of the call, extension where the call was made from, time of the call and cost of the call, user who made the call(while masking the actual PIN used with the users name).
  • Summary reports for Pin numbers, Extensions and Departments.
  • Show staff id field on the reports for pin numbers so as to differentiate users with similar names. This is displayed besides the users name and makes it easier to cross check in a situation where users are deducted telephone costs from payroll.
  • Give the most expensive call(s), most dialed number(s), and Longest duration of a call(s) within a specific period. This allows the user to extract exceptional telephone calls data by showing you the extreme situations of telephone use.
  • Reports for local calls only, trunk calls only, International calls only and mobile calls only. This is useful when analyzing e.g mobile calls made only, international calls only and helps the organization know where high traffic/cost of calls are being made and to take necessary action to remedy. E.g. If the organization is making 60% of calls (cost wise) to international regions, then they may decide to route international calls to a cheaper service provider and hence make considerable savings on telephone costs.
  • Report of a particular DIALED NUMBER for investigation/enquiry purpose. A user may want to find a particular dialed number in the system for investigation purpose e.g who called number 072111111 from the organizations switchboard lines?
  • Export REPORTS to other formats e.g. WORD, EXCEL, etc This is useful when sending reports as attachments to regional officers or accounts department for further analysis.
  • Capability of using both OLD TELEPHONE TARIFFS (for audit purposes) and NEW TELEPHONE TARIFFS in case of system tariffs updates. If the system use tariffs and they are changed in the course of financial year, then the Call Billing system can generate reports using either Historical Tariffs or Current Tariffs.
  • Capability to ARCHIVE REDUNDANT Telephone calls data and be able to RESTORE the same in case of Audit inquiry. With the Call Billing system, one can remove old data for past years so as to retain the most current data. This is done through an ARCHIVING PROCESS in the system.
  • Different ACCESS LEVEL PASSWORDS for various users. The System can allow some users to ONLY print reports, while other authorized users can make administration changes to the system so as to maintain system integrity.
  • AUDIT TRAILS for users who access the system. The Call Billing System can record who logged into the system, date, time and what changes they made if any to the system.
  • The System uses a Windows Interface by use of mouse thus giving a friendly easy-to-use user interface.

PABX call accounting software’s salient features

  • Monitors all incoming, outgoing and intercom calls
  • Monitors all instruments and telephone lines
  • Provides information on department-wise telephone cost utilization with controls
  • Highlights expensive and long duration calls
  • Distinguishes official and personal calls
  • Eases the report generation process by accessing pre-configured queries
  • Offers export option where reports can be exported as Word or Excel documents.
  • Advanced Address Book


A Watchdog PMailer, informs status on the health of PSwitchView and excessive usage instantly

  • Automates reports distribution process. Eliminating the need to prepare, print and then distribute the reports manually.
  • Fowards warnings raised by PSwitchView to administrator. This happens instantly when PSwitchView traps a warning.
  • Forwards budget related warnings as emails to administrator and respective individuals.
  • Sends report on after-office hours long distance calls as emails to personal emails account of administrator.
  • Sends Management analysis to respective managers at pre-defined frequency.

Benefits to businesses:

  • Unattended and independent process of process of report creation.
  • Automates budget status intimations. sends change of budget status to every individual, departmental heads, and administrators.


Hassle free, independent and timely preparation of PSwitchView Report

  • Executes automatically specified jobs at predefined times.
  • Prepares all reports on schedule time. Reports are available on the disk in ready to print format.
  • Offers provision to design user-specific reports.

Benefits to businesses

  • Runs independently and is free from any manual intervention.
  • Saves time and efforts of dedicated manpower.

PABX And Telephone Budgetor

This business phone solution is instrumental in controlling overall telephone cost and individual usage by allocation of fixed budget per extension.

  • PBudget offers budget allocation control for every extension, authorization code, and department.
  • Budget period can be assigned as daily, weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, yearly, or even for specific no. of days.
  • Control dialing privileges for an extension or authorization code.
  • Warns users and their supervisors on exceeding the total budget.

Benefits to businesses

  • Deploys effective cost control mechanism.
  • Brings-in realization of telephone.
  • Intimates progressive cost usage.
  • Establishes discipline on cost-effective usage of available telephone facility.

Hospitality Solutions

PMSI Module: A bridge between the PBX and the Hotel software.

  • Translates check-in/check-out/wake-up alarm command form the Hotel software to PBX.
  • Forwards CDRs received from PBX to the Hotel software.
  • User can also effect check-in/check-out manually.


In absence of Hotel software, this module can be useful in offering control of OBX over PMSI link and call analysis.


  • Pop info dialer
  • Soft Phone
  • Agent Terminal
  • Supervisor Terminal
  • CDR generator


  • Department wise analysis /summary report.
  • Extension wise analysis / summary report.
  • Call duration report.
  • Mobile calls analysis and group calling analysis report.
  • Report designer to make reports as required.
PABX Supported
  • Nortel
  • Avaya
  • Simens
  • Alcatel
  • Cisco
  • Panasonic
  • Any PABX having output mode.

Web Based System

Our Web based call monitoring software is installed on a computer at Central site and holds the Call Detailed Records (CDRs) collected and processed from all the offices connected to the server that is part of existing Intranet. As soon as basic call information is captured at any of the remote sites, it forwards to the server where it is processed and stored in the database in real time.

As part of SCB intranet, user can view their call information from their desktops. Departmental heads can also view call information of all users under their departments, or can view call information of multiple departments. The access to CDRs, or fields of CDRs, as well as features, and reports will be restricted based. Similarly a functional head or general manager can predefine user access rights.

Our products are thoroughly tested and have been running successfully on various PBX systems viz. Alcatel, Avaya, Cisco, Coral, Ericsson, Matrix, NEC, Norstar, Nortel, Panasonic, Siemens, Syntel and many more.

PABX call monitoring software in Nairobi, Kenya

PABX And Telephone Voice Recording Solutions In Kenya

PABX And Telephone Voice Recording Solutions In Kenya belongs to Voice Logging domain. The product has built range of features to fulfill the needs of Voice Logging on Analogue EPABX Extensions and Direct Telephone lines, as well as Digital Extensions of EPABX and Digital Telephone Lines (PRI with 30 Channels) and IP Telephony. It offers intuitive user interface to have quick access to stored conversations, similarly you can tap live conversation and hear the same at any given point while the call is in progress.

The PAudium is a Windows based telephone voice recorder system. It comes as a hardware and software Combo. The unit offers 2 to 256 hardware ports to terminate your telephone lines. The types of lines are; conventional telephone line (Analog), Analog,IP or Digital Extension of PBX, and one or multiple PRI lines each having 30 channels.

PABX call monitoring software in Kenya

The moment telephone line is connected to the unit; PAudium on the computer recognizes newly terminated line and starts capturing subsequent conversations. These conversations are recorded on the disk at the same time they are also available to hear them live.

PAudium (Classic) offers

(1) Recording conversations on telephone line or extension of office PBX.

(2) Recording conversations of Incoming and Outgoing call when telephone lines are monitored, as well as Intercom calls in case if extensions are monitored.

(3) Hearing live conversations on telephone lines or extensions.

(4) Retrieving conversations based on date and time of conversation.

(5) Recalling recorded conversation, with query-and-select.

(6) Retrieving conversations based on querying conversation database. Following are commonly used queries

  • All conversations having duration more than 30 minutes
  • All conversations taken place on behalf specific account/campaign. For example, all conversations taken place for account “Telesoft”
  • All conversations taken place to specific destinations. For example, all USA calls.
  • All conversations taken place on International routes.
  • All conversations on incoming call whose ringing time is more than 10 seconds

(7) Preparing analysis based on conversation database. Following are commonly used analysis

  • Channel wise communication traffic
  • Long duration conversations
  • Department wise/Campaign wise conversations
  • User/Agent wise conversations
  • Conversations taken place on certain routes

(8) Facility for scheduled logging. You can setup scheduled timings during which the conversations of particular user will be logged.

(9) Alarm Popup, a facility to display conversation details in prominent format on the screen. Such alarms are raised when duration of conversation exceeds certain limit, or conversation is taking place to certain destinations.

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