Weighbridge Software System in Kenya

Our Weighing Software, Weighbridge Software, Public Weighbridge Software, Unmanned Weighbridge,  Sale & Service Software, Weighing Automation Weighbridge software has advance features like audit trail, auto mailer and scheduler, multiple location synchronization, CCTV integration, slip designer, Integration with ERP and customizable fields.

We Provide Weighbridge Software, it will Provide Secure Weighment with Various Facility Like CCTV Image Capture Facility, RFID Integration, Barrier Gate Integration, etc…

Weighbridge Software is per customer requirement. Weighbridge software is a weighing and computing system with extensive data extraction, collection and processing functions. This Weighbridge software solution is designed to help you to manage and track the critical information.

Our company provide Weighbridge software, Truck scale software, Weighbridge, weighment software, weighing scale software, crusher software, Mining software, Industrial weighment software, weighbridge automation software, Platform scale software, and provide connectivity & Interface with SAP, Oracle, ERP etc..

Weighbridge Weighing Software Features

  • The weighbridge software can be configured for either single weighbridge or for multiple weighbridges
  • The weighbridge software is multi-user and is configurable for usage on WAN terminal services environment
  • The weighbridge weighing process is automated for direct capture of weight data to the PC
  • Adding and updating of masters data that includes suppliers, transporters, products, etc.
  • The weighbridge software security management includes adding and removal of users, setting of security access rights and changing of passwords
  • The weighbridge system provides changes audit that includes tracking of transactions records added, modified and user’s login activity.
  • Processing of the weighbridge transactions and generating a ticket for the supplier or transporter.
  • Production of weighbridge management reports
  • Optional interfacing of the weighbridge transactions with the customer’s ERP system.

Weighbridge software is a weighing and computing system with extensive data extraction, collection and processing functions. This Weighbridge software solution is designed to help you to manage and track the critical information created at the time of weighing and label products in an easy and flexible manner applicable in: –

  • Industries Weighbridge [LAN Based Software for malty weighbridge]
  • Public Sector Weighbridge
  • Online Reporting for Both Version Software
  • Label Printing Scale Software
  • Batching Scale Software
  • Weighbridge Software with Barcode + QR Code printing

We can integrate up to four CCTV Camera with Weighbridge Software, All 4 Camera with live viewing On Screen at Weighment Time, Vehicle Image Capture Automatically At Time of Weighment and Save in HDD with transaction Data.

WE Integrate Our Weighbridge CCTV Software with Bell:

  • IP Based DVR with up to 4 Camera.
  • Analog Camera.
  • IP Camera with good snap resolution.

Weighbridge software provide best solution as per customer require with weighbridge like:

  • CCTV Camera Integration.
  • RFID Tag integration.
  • Barrier Integration.
  • Sound Instruction integration.
  • Barcode Label Integration.
  • Integrate with other software like SAP, Oracle, ERP.


  • ERP integration
  • Audit trail
  • Preloading: – where GRN and sales data
  • can come from RP or entered and process can be tracked
  • Loading and offloading data entry point
  • Vehicle inspection module
  • Tracking complete flow with serial number or barcode slip.


  • Flexibility and customizability options make weigh-master unique in a way that each and every filed-on entry screens can be parameterized on user preference. Users cannot only define the fields required but also specify width, type, mandatory / optional, etc.
  • Easy entry for first weight / second weight
  • Fixed fields and variable fields
  • Easy flow and user control
  • Turnaround time tracking


  • Slip printing is very critical for weighbridge. Each and every company has their own format. Our weighbridge software system gives user strength to user so they can design format way they require. Client can put logo; define format, fonts and fixed and variable data. User can print
  • Delivery note
  • Weighbridge slip
  • Confirmation slip

Reports and Report designer

  • Weighbridge software system has many reports already predefined in system.
  • Report designer gives all kind of output as required. Complete drag and drop designer where users can select column, format.
  • All from condition can be selected including data range, selection data
  • All reports can be exported to excel and PDF.

Report auto scheduler

  • Weighbridge software system has report scheduler where reports can be automatically sent to users email id depending on level, type of report and time of report defined.


  • Weighbridge is very critical operation. Many times, they are far from each other or central server. So multiple weighbridges can be synchronized into central database with disconnected data architecture.

Vehicle Identification (RFID)

  • Each vehicle will have active transponder which is allocated to vehicle number
  • On weighbridge both side there will be receiver so when truck comes it automatically identifies the vehicle.

Vehicle Identification (number plate cameras)

      • 2 number plate cameras will be installed on each weighbridge will detect and link it to weighbridge software.
      • User at weighbridge doesn’t have to enter truck number, based on reading and database on truck it will pick automatically.

Alignment control (photocell)

      • 6 photocells will be connected to weighbridge with control panel . this will be connected to system.
      • 2 photocells in center, 2 photocells front edge,2 photocells back edge.
      • it will work on logic if center one detects vehicle then edges should be open.

Alignment control (barrier)

  • 2 barriers (on each side can be installed).
  • Barriers will be linked to weighbridge software or rfid cards.
  • Barrier opening/closing


This Weighbridge software version is designed to work with platform scales with or without network. Ideal for manufacturing, packaging and export industry. It can print labels, track wastage, and link to ERP, packaging mode concept, and workflow possibility.

Can work for multiple departments in production scenario. Works on incremental weights and totaling of weight against job code.


The Weighbridge Software Version is best suited for industries such as weigh stations, bulk grain operations, mining operations where Weighbridge software takes two separate measurements to calculate the net weight.

Weighbridge software is designed in a manner that it reads data from the indicator eliminating tampering of data.

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