Travel Manager is an easy-to-use and simple Tours and Travel/Cabs and Taxis Management software that offers a truly integrated solution for the dynamic business environment of the new millennium. UDS Travel Manager is a complete solution that includes Client Orders, Actual Tours and Travels/ Cabs and Taxis taken, Invoicing, Hotel and

Parks Payment Processing, Cash and Bank Management, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable. It is tailor-made for small and medium sized travel firms. No complex accounting skills required. It is extremely user-friendly with excellent and simple Graphic User Interface (GUI).

Key Benefits & Features

1. Improved Tours and Travel/ Cabs and Taxis management.
2. Ability to manage all parts of a travel taken by an individual client or a group.
3. Improved financial (cash, bank accounts, creditors, debtors and expenses) control.
4. Easily manage Travels taken.
5. Maximize on incomes and minimize on costs.
6. Increase travel turnover. Easily track profitable destinations and identify unprofitable ones.
7. Maximize on profits by concentrating on profitable destinations.
8. Easily manage multiple bank accounts.
9. Easily manage all creditor and debtor accounts. Balance amounts are quickly and easily shown through reports
10.Easy tracking of Tours and Travels/ Cabs and Taxis taken and destinations visited.
11.Automatic and real-time posting of all transactions upon entry
12.Multi-level reporting, e.g. monthly/ weekly/ daily/ destinations/ by client/ by activity/ by package/ cost center/ etc.
13.Comprehensive Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet & Cash Flow Statements
14.Modification or deletion of all documents (based on security rights).
15.Audit tracking to show who has done what, where and when.
16.Provides vital business and management information on travels and financial position of company.
17.Comprehensive range of reports provided
18.All reports can be viewed on screen, printed or exported to MS Word, MS Excel or text file
19.Unlimited number of users
20.Multi levels of user defined security
21.Automatic numbering for all transactions.
22.Entry screens are designed to support the use of both keyboard and mouse
23.Built-in Backup and Restore functions

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