HR management System Solution-HRMS-Human resource (HR)software-Kenya
Our Web-based Human Resource Management System is a complete workforce management tool that is integrated with multiple features such as payroll management as well as time and attendance system. This intuitive automates the human resource processes and helps the HR department manage the workforce more effectively. The Human Resource Management System in Kenya module maintains human resource information spanning the entire life cycle of the employee from induction through to the termination of employment.
Employee Information | Online Leave | Appraisal | Recruitment | Training | Travel |Centralized Management | Career Management | Employee Self Service | Project Tracking | Succession Planing | Assets | Medical Claim and Compensation | Audit trail | Disciplinary & Grievance | Contracts
MODULES of Human Resource Management System
- System Administration Management
- Human Resource Management
- Time and Attendance Management
- Payroll processing Management
- Leave Management
- Claims Management
- Training Management
- Recruitment Management
- Performance Appraisal Management
- Business Intelligence Reporting
- Employee Self Service
Human Resource Management System, HRMS has the following
- Employee database (Employee bio data)
- Employee relations
- Employee terminations
- Employee promotions / demotions
- Employee transfers
- Employee succession planning
- Employee history
- Human resources dashboards
- Recruitment management Travel and medical claims Leave management
- Training and development
- Performance appraisal and management
Web-based Human Resource management System, HRMS software features
Employee Life Cycle
The employee life cycle identifies stages in employees’ careers to help guide their management and optimize associated processes.
Leave Management
An automated system to manage Leave and attendance processes. The leave management helps in tracking the employee’s leaves and provides necessary reports to manager as and when required
Time & Attendance
A system for planning, capturing and monitoring employee attendance. Our Time and attendance system captures the in and out timings of the workforce directly from the Biometric or card swipe systems.
Payroll & Reimbursement solution that provides “Self-Service” facility to Employees and offers choice and flexibility in Payroll & Reimbursement Processes Through the payroll module you provide your employees the flexibility to download their pay slips, form 16 any time they want. At the same time additional facilities like flexi-benefit planner and online tax calculator at one end provides an extraordinary experience to the workforce, on the other end removes administrative hassles from your part. Through reimbursement module, employees can raise their non ctc claims and same gets processed online as per pre-defined workflows without any hassles.
This module comprises features which streamline the applicant tracking process effectively. In online recruitment you can receive job applications online, filter these applications by criteria’s defined by you. You can also short list and schedule interviews with email notifications
Grievance Handling
Covers the full cycle of handling and recording of employee grievances in a smooth and user-friendly tool.
Covers all disciplinary actions taken with regards to employees – information about charges, internal inquiries and warnings. This module also enables capturing court case information against employees.
Rewards and Recognition.
Eases the employee rewarding and recognition process by integrating with the related HR modules available in your organization.
Performance Management/Appraisal
Facilitating automated performance appraisal across the organization covering 180 degrees and 360-degree appraisals. Allows the evaluation of different groups of employees and manage other performance related tasks. It also helps track the progress of individual employees or whole groups with the ability to analyze and adjust their performance bell curve. Employees are also encouraged to set goals for defined future periods through this module.
Training and Development
Assists with all training and development functions from needs analysis to training evaluations. This module defines the training areas and subjects, training institutions, resource persons, types of training, examinations, scheduling training programs etc. Training and Development provides features to handle different types of training program applications, track attendance, evaluations and training cost.
HR Dash Board
A tool that can be used to display the indices of success of any given organization and its employees. It acts as a status indicator of selected crucial criteria, specific to an organization depending on the type of industry. Useful ratio analysis brings immense value to the top management in their decision making. This gives human resources managers with both, the data and the framework to communicate critical strategic workforce issues to top management. The module includes a standard set of dashboards and can also be customized to fit a given organization’s unique needs.
Report Writer
Allows the preparation of management reports on a periodic basis as per user requirements. The reports can be generated in alphanumeric as well as graphical form. Apart from obtaining predefined reports from all purchased modules, you can use this module to view custom reports that can be created using crystal reports and store them as part of the system.
Analytical Tools
Ability to slice and dice information available in the database to generate decision specific information and analyze information across multiple dimensions, which will facilitate efficient and effective decision making.
Self Service HR
The Employee Self-Service Portal provides access to a comprehensive centralized repository of vital employee related information available to HR, employees and managers. The Employee Self Service Portal is the base on which all other functional modules can be added in a “plug-and-play” model to create a comprehensive employee self-service-based HR system.
Medical Claim and WC
Tracks Medical Charges and Insurance Claims of Employees while maintaining a log of any pending issues to be sorted out on any ongoing case.
Handles company assets that have been assigned to employees. Easy one click requisitions and tracking of assets.